If you face a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge or other accusations related to drinking and driving in Channelview, TX, you do not have to fight the allegations on your own. A conviction could mean jail time, significant fines, and long driver license suspensions. Let the DWI defense team from Eddington Worley Attorneys help you develop and deploy a strong defense strategy in your Channelview DWI case.
We can help you at any point in your case, whether you just received the citation, face charges, or already entered your plea. The early we can get started the better, but we can protect your rights and aggressively pursue a more favorable outcome at any time. Call us today at (855) 600-6695, and a member of our team can discuss your case with you.
Our Team of DWI and Drunk Driving Defense Attorneys Take on Any DWI Case
Our team of Channelview DWI lawyers knows what it takes to win any type of DWI or drunk driving case. We will build a solid defense based on the circumstances of your arrest and fight to get the best possible outcome on your behalf. We can handle cases including:
- Arrests after traffic stops, accidents, or illegal checkpoints
- Refusal to submit to breath or blood testing cases
- Failed breath or blood tests with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of over 0.08%
- Failed breath or blood tests with an extremely high BAC
- Drivers under the age of 21 who refused to submit to breath or blood testing
- Drivers under the age of 21 who tested positive for any trace of alcohol
- Underage drivers facing DWI charges
- DWI charges with open containers
- Failed breath or blood test following a serious injury or fatality accident
With more than 20 years navigating the Texas criminal justice system for our clients facing DWI and drunk driving charges, you can trust our DWI lawyers to represent your best interests every step of the way.
The Police Took Your License
One thing many people do not realize about the Texas DWI laws is that anyone who receives a citation for a drunk driving charge automatically loses their driver license. When the police cite you for this type of violation, an automatic Administrative License Revocation (ALR) kicks in. The Texas Department of Public Safety (TX DPS) revokes your license, effective 40 days after the date on your citation.
No matter if you ever face official charges and no matter the outcome of your criminal case, the ALR will stand unless you challenge it and win. To challenge your ALR, you need to:
- Submit a written notice to the TX DPS
- Submit this request within 15 days of your arrest
- Attend a hearing and state your case in front of a judge
- Present evidence to show you did not drink and drive or challenge the police officer’s evidence that you did
- Win your appeal
You can have an attorney represent you during this process, and we recommend calling us as early as possible so we can. Not only does this take the weight off your shoulders when it comes to representing yourself during this administrative hearing, but it also ensures a member of our team is in the room to see the evidence the prosecution will have against you in your criminal case.
It is difficult to win an ALR appeal, but it is worth it to try if for no other reason than we get a sneak peek at the case they are trying to build against you.
Texas DWI Convictions Come with Serious Consequences
If you do not fight the drunk driving allegations you face, you could end up behind bars for months or without your driver’s license for up to two years. In addition to your ALR, you also face the possibility of a criminal suspension if convicted of DWI.
A first DWI offense could mean:
- Attending a 12-hour Alcohol Education Program
- Jail time
- Fines
In many cases, even with a guilty plea, we can get our client’s jail sentence probated after a first offense. This means that instead of going to jail, you will need to abide by the rules set by the judge for a year or more. Some common terms of community supervision (previously known as probation) include:
- Completing a set number of community service hours
- Abstaining from drug and alcohol use
- Not getting cited or arrested for other crimes
- Checking in regularly with your community supervision officer
- Remaining employed or in school
On a second or subsequent DWI conviction, community supervision is not an option. You will have to serve at least a minimum portion of your jail sentence.
Eddington Worley Attorneys Can Fight the Channelview, TX DWI Charges You Face
At Eddington Worley Attorneys, we can build a strong case on your behalf and pursue the best possible outcome in your case. We understand you want to clear your name or at least avoid the worst penalties associated with a DWI conviction. We will aggressively pursue a defense strategy that accomplishes your goals. Some common ways we can do this include:
- Presenting clear evidence of your innocence
- Presenting evidence the police violated your rights, often with an illegal traffic stop
- Proving problems with the BAC testing equipment or procedures
- Negotiating a plea deal, often for a reckless driving charge
- Taking your case to court and presenting a strong case for an acquittal
No matter the outcome of your case, our Channelview DWI attorneys can also help you petition for an occupational license that will allow you to drive to work or school. We understand how important your driving privileges are, and you should not lose your job or have to quit school because of your DWI arrest.
Talk to a Channelview DWI Attorney
If the Channelview, TX police arrested you, or you face DWI charges elsewhere in Harris County, Texas, the drunk driving team from Eddington Worley Attorneys can help. Call us today at (855) 600-6695 to discuss your case and get started building a strong defense.